Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey guys! I just wanted to say welcome to my new site! I decided, this is the final one, no more SmashBrawler. If you're wondering about the other one that I made, well, it decided to be mean to me and not cooperate with my e-Mail. So I decided on this one, and now I know that it will work. Ok, so some of you are wondering, what is the purpose of this site, and why did I take the time to create it? Well, this site is mainly for the people over at GameTalk in the Brawl forum. If you guys want, send me in your friend codes through the comments system. If I get enough people, I will make a post about all of the posts I receive to make friend code exchange much easier. For the time remaining that there is, I will try to do daily updates of the posts from Smashbros.com. When Brawl eventually does come out, I will also be documenting some online battles that I do with GT members, to show how badly I'm getting my butt whooped XD Anyways, I hope you enjoy the site. I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time on it withen the next few weeks. Please comment! March 9th can't come here soon enough, Mr. Fíre

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