Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mushroomy Kingdom and Masterpieces

Ahh, I apologize for the lack of updates this past week. I've been kind of busy, but I'll be making up for my lost time today.
First update: Mushroomy Kingdom
Though I still do not fully understand the reasoning as to why it's called "Mushroomy," I do know that this new stage is based off of the 1-1 level in the original Mario game on the NES.
Whoa! It's in ruins...
I guess after decades Mario's level is as dead as ever. I think that this level will be an immensely fun side-scrolling level.
Dedede won. Now THAT'S shocking.

Next update: Masterpieces

I think that this is a great idea on Nintendo's part. Prior to getting Brawl, I had always had the idea that I did know much about about some of the characters in it (Pit, Meta Knight, ect), so I thought of the idea of buying the original games that they were in on the VC to get more familiar. Well, I'm not oozing Wii Points out of my eye sockets, so I couldn't get them all, but I think that masterpieces is a great way for me to try out some of these games. What's cool about this, though, is that you can play demos of these original games in Brawl; it doesn't require an internet connection or anything, so that means not a whole lot of long loading sequences.

Mario and Ice Climbers: NES

Overall, as some may accuse this as being a way for Nintendo to promote purchasing VC games, I think it's an excellent idea. I'd love to try out a lil' sample of the origins of some Smash Bros. characters.

March 9th can't come soon enough,

Mr. Fire

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