Saturday, March 8, 2008

New Photoshop: Brawl Mosaic

Ahh, what a lovely day it is today. Those of you who are getting Brawl at midnight know that the only thing lying between you and this little game is a few more hours. I myself am getting Brawl in the morning! Can't wait!
Anyways, I made a new "Photoshop" if you could call it that. I actually made this picture with a program called Mazaika. I recommend it if you're looking for something neat to make mosaics like this. Anyways, to celebrate America's last day of being Brawl-less, here's some pictures of a 'remixed' Brawl cover, try to spot out as many familiar pictures as you can!!

Cover Mosaic

Close up: Title

Close up: Pit

Close up: Wario, Peach, and Fox

Close up: Mario

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