Saturday, February 23, 2008

Guess That Morphed Celebrity + Brawl Character Game

Hey guys! Messing around with this sweet site, I decided it would be sweet to make a fun game here on BrawlMania, where I'd select a given Brawl character, and morph it with a celebrity. Some are easy, some are hard, but the answers are given below the picture, you just have to highlight in order to see. So lets get started! Here are 3 pictures of Lucas morphed with various celebrities.

Britney Spears's Face Combined with lucas -

Difficulty: Easy. Name of Celebrity: Britney Spears

      lucas and Arnold Schwarzenegger -

      Difficulty: Medium. Name of Celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger

      lucas's Face Combined with Robin Williams -

      Difficulty: Hard. Name of Celebrity: Robin Williams

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